Why Do We Give?

God is a generous giver. He gives us everything from essential provisions, like the food we eat, to His unfailing and unconditional love. Because of His deep love for us, He gave us the ultimate gift of eternal life with Him through the gift of His Son.

Giving is one of the key ways we worship God, and no believer wants to be ungenerous in worshiping Him. When we understand that everything we have comes from God, we realize the resources we possess are assets to be invested in the kingdom of God.

As we seek to become more like Christ, we will grow in our giving. And every time we make a decision to give generously, we discover that God refuses to be out-given (Malachi 3:10).

What is a tithe and what is an offering?

A tithe is a mathematical term and literally means 10%. Leviticus 27:30 and Proverbs 3:9 instruct us to bring the tithe first.

We are stewards, not owners, of what God has entrusted to us (1 Chronicles 29:11-12). Therefore, tithing is bringing back what is God’s to God, and He entrusts us with the remainder to use appropriately.

Any amount above 10% is considered an offering to God. This type of giving is over and above the tithe.

Ways To Give

Online Giving

Over 35% of our church gives online. It’s simple and secure. Through one easy transaction you can specify gifts to our General Operating Fund or our Stewardship Campaign.

Elexio Community 

Elexio is a new platform for our DIGITAL CHURCH DIRECTORY, CHURCH CALENDAR, and ONLINE GIVING! You’ll be able to access Elexio using your smartphone, tablet, or computer.



No – If you are a member or regular attender of CBF you likely have an account.


First, set up your ELEXIO COMMUNITY account. You’ll only have to do this part ONCE.

FROM YOUR SMARTPHONE, download the Elexio Community App. 

  1. Download the Elexio Community from iTunes or Google.
  2. Open the App.
  3. domain.elexiochms.com will be the first line.
  4. Click on the word ‘domain’ and type in ‘coppellbible’ (all lower case).
  5. Most CBF members and regular attenders will already have an account so your Username is ‘First.Last’.  For example, Barkef.Osigian. NOTE: Your first name is capitalized, and your last name is capitalized.
  6. Click Forgot Password and type in your username (above) or email address.
    NOTE: Your email address must be the address CBF has on file for you. If you’re not sure, contact Marla. 
  7. Access your email and copy the temporary password.
  8. Go back to the Elexio App and paste the temporary password.
  9. Scroll to the bottom of the DETAILS page on the App and select ‘Change Password’ to set your password to something you can remember.

OR, from your tablet/computer, go to this link.

  1. Most CBF members and regular attenders will already have an account so your Username is ‘First.Last’.  For example, Barkef.Osigian. NOTE: Your first name is capitalized, and your last name is capitalized.
  2. Click Forgot Password and type in your username (above) or email address.
    NOTE: Your email address must be the address CBF has on file for you. If you’re not sure, contact Marla.
  3. Access your email and copy the temporary password.
  4. Go back to the Elexio link and paste the temporary password.
  5. In the upper right corner, put your mouse over the circle with your initials in it and click on View Profile.
  6. Click on the Account tab and change your password. BE SURE to scroll to the bottom of the page and click SAVE.

You have two choices for online/app giving.

  1. You can give through the Elexio App. This is best if you’ll be giving from your smart phone. See above for accessing the Elexio Community App.
  2. You can set up an account on the ELEXIO GIVING website. This is best if using a tablet/computer.

To set up your ElexioGiving.com account:

1.  Click on the link above. 
2.  Click ‘First Time New User Registration’. 
3.  Enter your information. NOTE: Be sure to use the email address CBF has on file.
4.  Click ‘Submit’. 

5.  Remember, on this link your EMAIL is your user ID.

Important to note:  The ELEXIO GIVING website and the ELEXIO COMMUNITY App/website have individual usernames and passwords but your account is connected by the email address you use.  For example, if you setup a giving method using the App, that method will also be available if you login to the Giving website.

Automatic Bank Pay

This is an easy and effective way to systematically give through your checking or savings account. Simply log onto your individual bank account and follow your bank’s instructions to set up CBF as a new payee. If giving to our Stewardship Campaign Fund, please specify “Stewardship”.


Checks can be mailed to us at 751 W. Sandy Lake Road, Coppell, TX 75019.


If you have appreciated assets (i.e., stocks, bonds, real estate) that you would like to donate to CBF, contact our Church Treasurer, Allan Scharton.

If you have any questions concerning ways to give, please contact the church office at 972.304.8195 ext 101, or speak to any of our Elders.

Sunday Worship Services

Just place your check or cash in one of the Tithes & Offerings boxes located in the Worship Center. If you are giving to both our General Operating Fund and our Stewardship Campaign Fund, separate checks are welcomed but not necessary. If you choose to write one check, please specify in the memo section amounts for each fund.

Have Questions?

Contact us below by filling out the form or by email at info@coppellbible.org.

Fields marked with an * are required